
Vortrag "Canada’s Support for Ukraine: Diplomatic Insights" – Troy Lulashnyk (Botschafter von Kanada in Österreich)

Mittwoch, 02.10.2024, 17.30–18.30 Uhr; Fakultätssitzungssaal SOWI (Universitätsstraße 15, Ost, 3. Stock, Raum 36, Innsbruck)

Vortrag auf Englisch

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Ambassador Troy Lulashnyk will discuss Canada’s diplomatic efforts in supporting Ukraine, focusing on the 10-Point Peace Formula and key areas such as nuclear security, humanitarian issues, and international cooperation. Drawing from his experience as Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine, he will provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in modern diplomacy and the importance of holding aggressors accountable. This lecture aims to foster academic discussion on Canada’s role in Ukraine and the broader geopolitical landscape.


Ambassador Troy Lulashnyk is Canada’s Permanent Representative to the international organizations in Vienna and Ambassador to Austria. He holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Winnipeg and an MA in Political Studies from the University of Manitoba.


Since joining the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 1999, he has held several key positions, including:

  • Director of the Global Partnership Program (2002–2006)
  • Director General of the Non-Proliferation and Security Threat Reduction Bureau (2006–2011)
  • Director General of the Israel, West Bank and Gaza, Egypt and Maghreb Bureau (2017–2021)
  • Ambassador to Ukraine (2011–2014)
  • Ambassador to Egypt (2014–2017)

Ambassador Lulashnyk’s extensive experience in international security, counterterrorism, and diplomatic relations provides a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in modern diplomacy.


Canada has been a steadfast supporter of Ukraine, providing extensive aid across various sectors.
Here are some key contributions:

  • Financial Assistance:
    Canada has committed over $5 billion in multifaceted support since February 2022, including $2.6 billion in financial aid.
  • Military Support:
    Canada has provided $4.5 billion in military assistance, including training, equipment, and operational support through initiatives like Operation UNIFIER, which has trained approximately 41,000 Ukrainian military personnel.
  • Humanitarian Aid:
    Canada has allocated $320 million for humanitarian efforts, addressing urgent needs such as food security and psychosocial support for children.
  • Development and Security:
    Additional support includes $96 million in development assistance and $73.8 million for security and stabilization programs.
  • Diplomatic Efforts:
    Canada has been active in international forums, advocating for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supporting initiatives to hold aggressors accountable.

These efforts underscore Canada’s commitment to supporting Ukraine in its fight for peace and stability.


Eine Veranstaltung des Zentrums für Kanadastudien und des Osteuropazentrums

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