Wed., January 29 | 10.00-12.00 | Dekanatssitzungssaal (Karl-Rahner-Platz 1)

Augustine's De Ordine:
Masterclass With Anna Marmodoro

Augustine approaches the problem of evil in De Ordine, trying to show that God is not causally responsible for all human actions –specifically, he is not responsible for evil ones. In her unpublished paper, Marmodoro argues that Augustine’s intuition, as developed through his dialectical engagement with Licentius, is that all human actions are governed by determinism, but not all are governed by teleology. More abstractly, Augustine’s idea is that efficient causation may be decoupled from teleological causation; this is the case when evil happens. In this masterclass, we explore Marmodoro’s main ideas on De Ordine and discuss her interpretation of the metaphysical commitments underlying Augustine’s thought.


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