Research done by Konrad Breitsching
Main emphasis of research
- Ecclesiastical history of law, justification and method of ecclesiastical law, ecumenism
- Supervisor of the canonistic documentation of literature in Innsbruck (KALDI).
Cooperative work on the following reasarch projects
- Forschungszentrum "Synagoge und Kirchen"
- Research project "Staatliches und kirchliches Recht in Schule und Religionsunterricht"/ "State und ecclesiastical law in school and Religious Education"
- Teilkirchenrecht der österreichischen Diözesen / Ecclesiastical law of the dioceses of Austria
- Die Zulassung nichtrömisch-katholischer Christen zur Kommunion in der römisch-katholischen Kirche / The admission to Eucharist of non roman-catholic Catholics in the roman catholic Church
- Die Kirchenordnungen. Ein Beitrag zur Rechtsgeschichte der alten Kirche / The Church Order. A contribuation to the ecclesiastical history of law of the old Church
Since 2003 all research done is documented in the university database: docuemtation of achievement in research (only available in German).