About us
We are a multidisciplinary team, with a common goal but with different backgrounds. Keep reading and get to know us!
Georg Leitinger
Georg is the scientific coordinator for the Austrian project part (UIBK – University of Innsbruck) and was already involved in former joint international projects with the colleagues from France. Within LUCSES, given his strong expertise in climate change experiments in alpine grasslands and water balance quantification using lysimeters, he deeply focuses on the climate manipulations part. Further, with LUCSES, Georg aims at extending existing knowledge from numerous former projects, not only but especially from the BiodivERsA projects VITAL and REGARDS, on functioning and management of social-ecological systems in terms of shrub encroachment of alpine grassland, meadows and pastures. As lecturer and supervisor of bachelor’s, master’s-and PhD theses at the University of Innsbruck, he follows another passion of him to supervise the LUCSES PhD-students at UIBK.
Bello Mouhamadou
Bello is the scientific coordinator for the French team (LECA) and has solid experience in coordinating research projects. He has coordinated multiple projects which involved several public partners (University, CNRS, CEA) and private companies (INSAVALOR, SERPOL, SERFIM Group, SITA). As a lecturer in Mycolgy, he brings fundamental knowledge and expertise in the field of taxonomic and funtional diversity of fungi. He is also currently supervising PhD students and participated in the VITAL project with UIBK and several local projects, exploring the taxonomic diversity and the ecological roles of mutualistic fungi in mountain systems.
Sandra Lavorel
Karl Grigulis
Karl Grigulis works as a research engineer in the Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine in Grenoble, France. Initially working as an agronomist in south-east Australia on topics of population ecology using pasture weeds as model systems, more recently in France he participates in projects focussed on functional and community ecology, in particular the assessment of community functional structure as a determinant of ecosystem responses to climate and management change and of ecosystem services.
Ulrike Tappeiner
Ulrike Tappeiner (co-coordinator of the Austrian team) is full professor at the Department of Ecology at UIBK, a passionate ecosystem and landscape ecologist, contributing to LUCSES her broad experience in national and international project management as well as functional trait assessment and analyses. She is further strongly focusing on landscape ecological impacts driven by global change, directly and indirectly affecting vital ecosystem services of the at some stage highly vulnerable social-ecological systems of the Alps. Ulrike also supports the scientific coordination, PhD-supervision and staff management at UIBK.
Marie-Pascale Colace
Ursula Peintner
Ursula Peintner from the Department of Microbiology is an excellent environmental mycologist, complementing the UIBK project team by bringing in solid background for mycorrhizae and their interactions in alpine habitats.
Marie-Noëlle Binet
Christiane Gallet
Elena Tello García
Blandine Lyonnard
Lucía Laorden Camacho
Lisa Ambrosi
Lisa is a Postdoc at the University of Innsbruck. She finished her PhD studies at the University of Innsbruck about modelling and mapping of ecosystem services in the European Alps, especially considering social-ecological interactions. Lisa has a deep interest in the current state of the Alpine ecosystems and their further development while being stressed by climate change and anthropogenic impacts. Within the LUCSES project, Lisa can primarily use her advanced knowledge about the deployment of high-precision lysimeters for water balance quantification. She is especially responsible for the lysimeter measurements and data analysis of the drought experiments and advanced snowmelt experiments. Lisa is excited about the LUCSES project as it joins forces of several disciplines to get a holistic understanding of nitrogen and water cycling processes in shrub-encroached mountain grasslands.
Anna-Lena Neunteufel
Anna-Lena is a Master student in 'Environmental Management of Mountain Areas' at the University of Innsbruck and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. She completed her Bachelor's degree in 'Environmental and Bioresource Management' at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. Her interest in mountain ecosystems and processes brought her to Innsbruck. In her Master's thesis and project work, she focuses on mycorrhizae and their symbiosis with
herbaceous plants and dwarf shrubs. ´It is very exciting for me to get an insight into an ecosystem with its smallest structures, such as mycorrhizae. You realise how interconnected all the processes are.