Eileen van Dongen, MA

PhD Candidate

University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management
Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism

Universitätsstr. 15 (office o.3.33)
6020 Innsbruck
Austria / Europe
Phone: +43 512/507 72507
E-Mail: Eileen.van-Dongen@uibk.ac.at





Eileen van Dongen obtained her Bachelor of Applied Linguistics in 2016 and a Master in Multilingual Professional Communication (English, Dutch and German) in 2019, both at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Before she joined the marketing team as a Jr. Researcher in April 2023, Eileen had gained valuable experience in a marketing agency and as a Jr. Sales Manager. Her research interests include sustainability marketing as well as green consumerism.

  Research Interests:
  • Sustainability Marketing
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Green Consumerism
  • Greenwashing
  • CSR
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • MA Multilingual Professional Communication, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • BA Applied Linguistics, University of Antwerp (Belgium)


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