Master Thesis by Stephan Sigl
Synthetic Landscape Lab August 2020
Supervision by
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Pasquero, Dipl. Eng., MA AA
Maria Kuptsova, MArch
Dr. Marco Poletto, Dipl Eng [Hons] MA AA PhD RMIT
This proposals shows in a first step an essayistic speculation of a distributed autonomous information storing and processing machine that is inherent in an enigmatic terrain, partially created by its own intelligence.
In a further step the sampled results are tested and applied on a specific site that is strongly transformed. The redesigned landscape stands for an aesthetic reflection of a virtual landscape of the mind, which should make knowledge spontaneously and openly accessible, perhaps with the help of augmented reality devices.
This conception of knowledge ecologies may be a proposal for an Anthropocene - framed environment typology, analogous to the basic idea of archives and libraries. It is an aesthetic design conception for neural networks and their interface and storage structures on a landscape scale. In a way the conceived design may appear thoroughly speculative for the purpose of reframing traditional approaches of future knowledge environments.
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