- Gruppenbild Textilchemie 2007A
- Gruppenbild B Textilchemie
- Gruppenbild C
- ASEA Uninet 2007
Natural dyes at CETTEX 2
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annual presentation
Group Photo annual presentation 2008
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Visit of THTI at Dornbirn
Visit of researchers of the Thailand Textile Institute in Dornbirn, 22.04.2008
The handbook of natural colorants summarises the present knowledge of a number of respected experts in this emerging field of sustainable chemistry.
Natural dyes toolkit
The natural dyes toolkit enables everyone to make first experiences with the wonderful world of natural colorants
Textile research group
Chinese Delegation
Waste water, chinese delegation, green processes
- Winder Edith
- Bechtold Thomas
- Bechtold in action
Visit HUT researcher
researcher form Hanoi University of Science and Technology work on a cooperation in the field of natural colorants. This includes extraction of the dye and characterisation of the obtained textile dyeings, mainly on silk
Amalid Mahmud-Ali
Amalid Mahmud Ali is performing textile research in the field of natural colorants, textile dyeing and textile chemistry
- inst_2012
Logo RS-STE Smart Embroideries Austria
- Stromkollektor
Gestickte Heizung
Gestickte Heizung
- Profilbild Thomas
- Siegel-Rahmen
- Institute-2013
- NewS-1
- NewS-2
- Logos COIN
- Logo FFG
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- Texon1
- Texon2
- Logo Texon
- Inst-2014
- Inst-2015
- Inst-2015-1
- Inst-2015-2
- Copy of Inst-2015-2
- Staff_2016
- Vlbg_EFRE
- Staff_2017
- Staff2017
- Tung_Pham
- pic_landing_page
- Institute
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- shanghai_delegation_wisto
- shanghai_delegation
- staff_2019
- staff_2019_bright
- staff_2019_complete
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