Vorträge & Seminare
Vorträge & Seminare 2006
Dec. 13, 14:00 "Aspects of topological models"
Speaker: Jiannis Pachos, University of Leeds | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Dec. 1, 09:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI Wien | Location: HS C
Nov.30, 14:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesiger, ESI Wien | Location: HS C
Nov.28, 13:15 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI Wien | Location: HS B1 (Baufak.)
Nov.24, 09:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI Wien | Location: HS C
Nov.23, 14:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI Wien | Location: HS C
Nov.21, 13:15 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI Wien | Location: HS B1 (Baufak.)
Speaker: Jiannis Pachos, University of Leeds | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Nov.17, 09:15 "Anyons for Experimentalists"
Speaker: Jiannis Pachos, University of Leeds | Location: SR 0/211
Speaker: Jean Richert, University of Strassburg | Location: IQOQI, lecture hall
Nov.15, 17:15 "Adventures in Particle Land: Where Low-Energy Physics Meets High-Energy Physics"
Speaker: Eric Cornell, JILA | Location: HS C
Nov.10, 12:00 "Plasma kinetics (5)"
Speaker: K.-U. Riemann, U Bochum | Location: SR2/17
Nov.09, 12:30 "Plasma kinetics (4)"
Speaker: K.-U. Riemann, U Bochum | Location: SR2/17
Nov.08, 13:30 "Plasma kinetics (3)"
Speaker: K.-U. Riemann, U Bochum | Location: SR2/17
Nov.07, 08:45 "Plasma kinetics (2)"
Speaker: K.-U. Riemann, U Bochum | Location: SR2/17
Nov.06, 15:30 "Plasma kinetics (1)"
Speaker: K.-U. Riemann, U Bochum | Location: SR2/17
Oct. 30, 15:30 "Coupling a kinetic sheath to a fluid presheath"
Speaker: Raju Khanal, Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal | Location: SR 2/17
Oct. 30, 13:00 "Technik und Effizienz von Windkraftwerken"
Speaker: Thomas Gassner, LFU Innsbruck | Location: SR 2/17
Oct. 27, 09:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI, Wien | Location: HS C
Oct. 25, 15:00 "Entanglement Distillation in the Stabilizer Formalism"
Speaker: Erik Hostens, University of Leuven, Belgium | Location: IQOQI, lecture hall
Oct. 24, 13:15 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI, Wien | Location: SR 0/403
Oct. 20, 09:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI, Wien | Location: HS C
Oct. 19, 14:30 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI, Wien | Location: HS C
Oct. 18, 17:15 "Many-body effects in cavity QED"
Speaker: Peter Domokos, Research Institute for Solid State Physics, Budapest, Hungary | Location: SR 2/17
Oct. 17, 13:15 "Einführung in die Stringtheorie"
Speaker: Karl-Georg Schlesinger, ESI, Wien | Location: SR 0/403
Oct. 10, 15:15 "The Learnability of Quantum States"
Speaker: Scott Aaronson, University of Waterloo, Canada | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Oct. 10, 14:15 "Quantum Error Correcting Subsystem Codes"
Speaker: Dave Bacon, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Oct. 9, 13:00 "Fractional Fokker-Planck-Equation and fractal geometry"
Speaker: Mohsen Zahran, Mansoura University, Egypt | Location: SR 2/17
Oct. 5, 16:00 "The magnetised plasma-wall transition: theory and simulation"
Speaker: Siegbert Kuhn, Institut für Theoretische Physik, PEP Group | Location: Astrophysics PR 8/18
Oct. 4, 15:00 "Variation over weighted graph states to study bosonic and spin systems"
Speaker: Simon Anders, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Oct. 4, 13:30 "Introduction to polarons"
Speaker: Michael Ortner, Inst. f. theor. Physics, Univ. Innsbruck | Location: Small SR IQOQI
Sep.28, 15:00 "Local hidden variable models and multiqubit twirling"
Speaker: Geza Toth, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Sep.19, 09:51 "Olaqui review meeting"
Speaker: Institut für Theoretische Physik, AG Briegel + AG Zoller | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jul.26, 14:00 "One Way To Fault-Tolerant One-Way Quantum Copumting"
Speaker: Christopher Dawson, Imperial College, London | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jun.28, 15:00 "Quantum Kolmogorov Complexity"
Speaker: Caterina Mora, IQOQI Innsbruck | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jun.28, 14:00 "Programmable Quantum Circuits"
Speaker: Mark Hillery, Hunter College, New York | Location: IQOQI, lecture hall
Jun.22, 11:00 "Efficient algorithms for simulating general dynamics on a quantum computer"
Speaker: Barry Sanders, University of Calgary | Location: IQOQI Lecture Hall, Innsbruck
Jun.19, 12:27 "Synchronization in the BCS Pairing Dynamics as a Critical Phenomenon"
Speaker: Hans Peter Büchler, Institut für Theoretische Physik | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jun.16, 14:00 "Discrimination of Unknown Quantum States"
Speaker: Janos Bergou, Hunter College, New York | Location: IQOQI small seminar room
Jun.14, 14:00 "Cold polar molecules"
Speaker: John Doyle, Harvard University | Location: Lecture Hall D
Jun.14, 13:00 "Accessible Information about Quantum States: An Open Optimization Problem"
Speaker: Jun Suzuki, National University of Singapore | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jun.14, 09:15 "Classical Simulation using 3-tensor networks"
Speaker: Guifré Vidal, University of Queensland | Location: IQOQI lecture hall, Innsbruck
Jun.12, 10:34 "Frenkel-Kontorova model with cold trapped ions"
Speaker: Peter Rabl, Institut für Theoretische Physik | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Jun.07, 15:00 "The Singepore Protocol for Quantum Cryptography"
Speaker: Berthold-Georg Englert, National University of Singapore | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
Speaker: Barbara Kraus, Institute for Theoretical Physics | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
May. 24, 15:00 "A very brief look at quantum complexity theory"
Speaker: Kris Luttmer, IQOQI Innsbruck | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI
Speaker: Wolfgang Duer | Location: IQOQI small seminar room
May. 22, 11:00 "Superfluid disorder in quantum solids"
Speaker: Nikolay Prokof'ev, University of Massachusetts | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
May. 19, 15:00 "Quantum mechanics of Josephson junction parametric amplifiers"
Speaker: Bernie Yurke, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs | Location: IQOQI lecture hall
May. 17, 15:00 "A direct approach to buffered fault-tolerant measurement-based quantum computation"
Speaker: Marcus Silva, Inst. f. Quantum Computing, Dep. of Physics, Univ. of Waterloo | Location: Lecture Hall, IQOQI
May. 10, 13:15 "New possibilities of laser cooling with optical resonators"
Speaker: Andras Vukics | Location: Seminarroom 2/17, Institute for Theoretical Physics
May. 5, 08:33 "Order to chaos transition in quantum spin chains"
Speaker: Tomaz Prosen, University of Ljubljana | Location: small seminar room IQOQI
Speaker: Martin Plenio, Simon Anders, Imperial College, London, IQOQI Innsbruck | Location: small seminar room, IQOQI Innsbruck
May. 4, 10:00 "The manybody physics of composite bosons"
Speaker: Monique Combescot, University Pierre and Marie Curie | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI Innsbruck
Speaker: Igor Lesanovsky, University of Heidelberg | Location: small seminar room IQOQI
Speaker: Alessio Serafini, Philipp Hyllus, Imperial College, London | Location: small seminar room, IQOQI Innsbruck
May. 3, 10:00 "The manybody physics of composite bosons"
Speaker: Monique Combescot, University Pierre and Marie Curie | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI Innsbruck
Speaker: Jens Eisert, Imperial College, London | Location: small seminar room IQOQI Innsbruck
May. 2, 16:00 "The manybody physics of composite bosons"
Speaker: Monique Combescot, University Pierre and Marie Curie | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI Innsbruck
Apr.26, 10:00 "The manybody physics of composite bosons"
Speaker: Monique Combescot, University Pierre and Marie Curie | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI Innsbruck
Apr.25, 16:00 "The manybody physics of composite bosons"
Speaker: Monique Combescot, University Pierre and Marie Curie | Location: Lecture hall, IQOQI Innsbruck
Apr.05, 11:00 "Frenkel-Exciton-Polaritions in organic Microvacities"
Speaker: Hashem Zoubi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy | Location: seminarroom 2/17, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Apr.03, 13:30 "Spectroscopy of ultracold atoms by periodic lattice modulations"
Speaker: Andew Daley | Location: lecture hall, IQOQI
Speaker: Andreas Griessner | Location: Lecture Hall IQOQI
Mar. 27, 11:15 "Excitation and Entanglement Transfer versus Spectral Gap"
Speaker: Michael Hartmann, Imperial Colllege, London | Location: Lecture Hall, IQOQI
Mar. 23, 11:30 "Introduction to topological order in lattice spin systems"
Speaker: Gavin Brennen | Location: Seminar room
Speaker: Ulrich Weber, Universität München | Location: Lecture Hall, IQOQI
Mar. 9, 15:30 "Towards a Quantum Programming Language"
Speaker: Peter Selinger | Location: small seminar room, IQOQI