- Jan. 17, 14:00 "Few Body Characterisation of One-Dimensional Quantum Gases"
Speaker: Kieran Fraser, Heriot-Watt University | Location: SR 2S16, ICT-Building, 1st floor
- Jan. 18, 15:00 "Simultaneous measurement of two non-commuting quantum variables: Solution of a dynamical model"
Speaker: Martí Perarnau-LLobet, MPQ Garching | Location: SR 2S17, ICT-Building, 1st floor
- Jan. 19, 16:00 "Theory Colloquium: Pacman and Chess as Physics Problems"
Speaker: Tanja Schilling, Université du Luxembourg | Location: SR 1, ICT-Building
- Jan. 26, 14:00 "Guest Lecture: Entropy accumulation & de Finetti´s Theorem, part 1"
Speaker: Renato Renner, ETH Zürich | Location: SR 2S16, ICT-Building, 1st Floor
- Jan. 27, 11:00 "Guest Lecture: Entropy accumulation & de Finetti´s Theorem, part 2"
Speaker: Renato Renner, ETH Zürich | Location: SR 2S16, ICT-Building, 1st Floor
- Feb. 06, 10:15 and 11:15 "Guest Lecture 1: Why quantum gravity?"
Speaker: Wolfgang Wieland, PI for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada | Location: SR 2, ICT-Building
- Feb. 06, 14:00 "Exact symmetries in the velocity fluctuations of a hot Brownian swimmer"
Speaker: Klaus Kroy, University of Leipzig | Location: SR 2S16, ICT-Building, 1st floor
- Feb. 07, 10:15 "Guest Lecture 2: General relativity as a gauge theory"
Speaker: Wolfgang Wieland, PI for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada | Location: SR 2, ICT-Building
- Feb. 09, 10:15 "Guest Lecture 4: Applications and current research: Cosmology, black holes, inner boundaries"
Speaker: Wolfgang Wieland, PI for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada | Location: SR 2, ICT-Building
- Mar. 23, 10:15 "Interacting polaritons and their bound states in QED cavities: modified Jaynes-Cummings Hubbard model"
Speaker: Angelo Maggitti, University of Belgrad, Serbia | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Mar. 29, 16:15 "Perfect probabilistic storing and retrieving of unitary channels"
Speaker: Michal Sedlák, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava| Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Apr. 10, 14:00 "Large scale simulations of physical embeddings for quantum annealing"
Speaker: Mario Könz, ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Location: Schrödinger Hall, 3rd floor, ICT-Building
- Apr. 24, 15:00 "The Quest for Solving Quantum Chromodynamics: the tensor network approach"
Speaker: Karl Jansen, DESY Zeuthen, Germany | Location: Schrödinger Hall, 3rd floor, ICT-Building
- May 22, 13:00 "Quantum Annealing: How hard can it be?"
Speaker: Paul Warburton, University College London | Location: Schrödinger Hall, 3rd floor, ICT-Building
- Jun. 01, 13:00 "Estimating the error of an analog quantum simulator by additional measurements"
Speaker: Michael Marthaler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Jun. 22, 15:00 "Fragmented Superradiance of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Cavity and Introduction to MCTDH-X"
Speaker: Axel U. J. Lode, University of Basel | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Aug. 02, 10:15 "Numerical Analytic Continuation of Quantum Monte Carlo Data"
Speaker: Synge Todo, University of Tokyo | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Sep. 07, 11:15 "Simulating Spin and Thermal Excitations in Proximity of Quantum Spin Liquids"
Speaker: Youhei Yamaji, University of Tokyo | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Sep. 14, 11:00 "Oscillators dynamics and implementations in ultracold atoms"
Speaker: Hon Wai Lau, University of Calgary | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Sep. 29, 11:00 "Cavity QED engineering of spin dynamics and squeezing in a spinor gas"
Speaker: Scott Parkins, The University of Auckland, New Zealand | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT-Building
- Oct. 25, 17:15 "Interaction induced transparency in the strong coupling regime of polaritons in photonic crystal waveguides"
Speaker: Francesco Piazza, MPIKS Dresden, Germany | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Nov. 14, 10:15 "Subradiance and Selective Radiance in Atomic Arrays"
Speaker: Mariona Moreno Cardoner, ICFO Barcelona | Location: SR2, ground floor, ICT building
- Nov. 15, 15:15 "A simple formalism for resource efficiency in thermodynamics"
Speaker: Tobias Fritz, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Nov. 22, 15:15 "Quantum logic is undecidable"
Speaker: Tobias Fritz, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig | Location: SR 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Nov. 22, 17:15 "Theory Colloquium: Topological order and tensor networks. A local perspective on global entanglement"
Speaker: Norbert Schuch, MPQ Garching | Location: Erwin Schrödinger hall, 3rd floor, ICT building
- Dec. 01, 10:30 "Quantum Optics Seminar: Optical quantum error correction against photon loss for qubits and beyond"
Speaker: Marcel Bergmann, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Location: Erwin Schrödinger hall, 3rd floor, ICT building
- Dec. 19, 16:15 "Habilitation Presentation Talk: Light-matter interactions for quantum information processing"
Speaker: Christine Muschik, ITP | Location: HSB 4, construction engineer building