Anaconda3 2018.12
Anaconda documentation |
Anaconda® is a package manager, an environment manager, a Python distribution, and a collection of over 1,500+ open source packages: (29. 04. 2021 updated)
- anaconda (2018.12)
- anaconda-navigator (2.0.1)
- IPython (7.22.0): ipython
- matplotlib (3.3.4)
- Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) (2020.4)
- NumPy (1.19.2): numpy
- Python (3.7.10)
- SciPy (1.6.2): scipy
- PyTorch (1.3.1): pytorch-cpu
- QuTiP (4.6.0): qutip
- pip (21.0.1): pip
- conda (4.10.1): conda
- boost (1.73.0)
- fftw (3.3.9)
- gsl (2.4)
- tensorflow (2.4.1)
- git (2.23.0)
- perl (5.26.2)
- gcc_linux-64 (7.3.0): (see Anaconda compiler tools)
- gxx_linux-64 (7.3.0)
- gfortran_linux-64 (7.3.0)
The full list of libraries that can be found on the Anaconda3 website in the Packages for 64-bit Linux with Python 3.7.
Anaconda3 2018.12
Anaconda3 is available with 64-bit.
Setting up the Anaconda3 environment
You can use the following entry interactively. If you want to use this module permanently, place this entry below the global definitions in your ".bashrc" file:
module load anaconda3/2018.12
Anaconda documentation
You can find the Anaconda documentation on the following webpage: