Quantum computation, quantum simulation and entanglement theory


In addition, we are also interested in quantum computation, with a focus on measurement-based quantum computation. In this computational model, a pre-prepared resource state is manipulated solely by single qubit measurements to establish a desired target state – and perform a computation. This offers not only a conceptually different approach to quantum computation, but also a potential practical advantage, e.g. an improved error resilience or more efficient implementation. We study applications of such measurement-based techniques in different contexts, including for quantum communication, error correction or in variational quantum eigensolvers. We are also concerned with the influence of noise and imperfections, where we develop efficient methods to study noise effects in protocols, as well as ways to overcome and mitigate noise. To this aim we utilize the coherent superposition of different processes, e.g. gates or circuits, which allows one to reduce the effective noise. Currently we consider quantum information processing schemes utilizing high-dimensional systems (qudits), and investigate possible advantages of such an approach. We also investigate qubit-qudit hybrid systems, i.e. develop a qudit enhanced qubit information processing.



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