Submitting a compiled MATLAB-program
Copying the MCRInstaller to a storage element
When compiling a MATLAB-file to a standalone application the following files are created:
MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR):
executable (e.g. test)
Component Technology File archive: executable.ctf
The MCR has about 100MB, so this file has to be stored on a storage element. The other two files will be sent with the job.
Do the following commands in your shell:
Define the LFC-host, by setting (=exporting) the LFC_HOST-variable: (LFC is short for LCG File Catalog, where LCG is short for Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid)
$ export
The LFC-host has the information on available storages elements.
Define the catalog type:
$ export LCG_CATALOG_TYPE=lfc
There exist other catalog types, which will not be used by us.
Define the location of the Information Service:
$ export
Store your virtual organisation in the environmental variable LCG_GFAL_VO:
$ export LCG_GFAL_VO=voce
This shortens some future commands as you do not have to give the virtual organisation as a parameter anymore.
Create a proxy by using one of the following commands:
$ grid-proxy-init
$ voms-proxy-init -voms voce
$ myproxy-initFor more information on the proxies check the different proxies page
Check for available storage elements:
$ lcg-infosites --vo voce se
Create your directory in the file catalog:
$ lfc-mkdir /grid/voce/arntraud
This command creates a directory (like the Unix command mkdir).
Replace arntraud by your own username.
An overview of the lfc-commands, which are similar to Unix commands, can be found here.
Choose on of the storage elements and copy the file to it:
$ lcg-cr -d -l lfn:/grid/voce/arntraud/ file:/home/arntraud/matlabjob/
The command (lcg-cr) copies the file /home/arntraud/matlabjob/ to the destination host giving it the local file name /grid/voce/arntraud/
An overview of the lcg-commands can be found here.
With the following command you may check if the file is there and has the right size:
$ lfc-ls /grid/voce/arntraud
Writing the executable
Next is to write an executable that
copies the from the storage element and unzips it into the current directory
sets the MCR paths
runs the MATLAB executable
####### step 1: Copy MCR from storage element and unzip it in current directory ###############
#first enable file catalog
lcg-cp --vo voce lfn:/grid/voce/tom/ file:`pwd`/
####### step 2: Setting MCR paths. Use correct directory the zip files unzips to below!! #####
mcr_path=`pwd`/v72 # MCR directory (created during the unzip operation)!
#the following needs to be in ONE line (no return in between)!!
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${mcr_path}/runtime/glnx86:${mcr_path}/sys/os/glnx86:
export XAPPLRESDIR=$XAPPLRESDIR:${mcr_path}/X11/app-defaults
####### step 3: running the MATLAB executable ##############################################
#set rights to executable first
chmod +x my_matlab_bin
./my_matlab_bin $1
mv my_result.mat my_result1.mat
./my_matlab_bin $2
rm -rf v72
#echo "uuuuund tschuess!"
Writing the job description file
Next you have to describe the job. This is done by creating a file with the extension .jdl.
Arguments="5 6";
MyProxyServer = "";
Comments on each line:
Filename of the executable
Filename to store the standard output
Filename to store the standard error output
Arguments in the same order as referred in the executable
All files that are sent to the computing element have to be given in the InputSandbox.
Alls files that should be returned have to be given in the OutputSandbox.
The Resource Broker ( together with its Local Resource Management (lcgpbs) is given
This line is optional (see A simple job with GLITE)
For the next steps (submitting the job, checking the status and retrieving the output) see A simple job with GLITE.