Celebration DK ALM 8 years plus

Celebration DK ALM 8 years plus

Celebrating 8 years plus of the doctoral school Atoms, Light, and Molecules

 To celebrate 8 years plus of our successful doctoral programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules two events had been organized:

Science Slam ‘Hitchhikers guide to physics – don’t panic’
Treibhaus, Innsbruck, May 15th 2024
Festive event with keynote talk
‘Black Holes, Aliens, and the End of the Universe:
Science Communication in Astrophysics”
Aula, Universität Innsbruck, June 3rd 2024


Hitchhikers guide to physics – don’t panic

During the first event, 8 slammers from the DK-ALM captivated a full house by giving in an entertaining way insights into research topics and the daily life of PhD students in Physics. They inspired the enthusiastic audience and perhaps encouraged them to study physics in the future.

More information can be found – here.

Festive event with keynote talk

The DK ALM festive event took place at the Aula of the University. Warm welcome words were given by Gregor Weihs, Vice-Rector of the University and Jakob Wolf, Member of the Tyrolean Parliament. This was followed by an overview on the mission, milestones and achievements of the DK ALM by the DK ALM speaker and co-speaker, Roland Wester and Francesca Ferlaino. The inspiring keynote talk entitled “Black Holes, Aliens, and the End of the Universe: Science Communication in Astrophysics” was hold by the astrophysicist Suzanna Randall, known for her science communication channels on youtube

 More information can be found – here.




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