ISBN: 978-3-902571-45-8

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Introduction to Computer Science & Applied Computing

Alexander Kendl, Sabine Schindler (Hg.)

ISBN 978-3-902571-45-8
brosch., 80 Seiten, zahlr. Abbildungen, Farbdruck
2008, innsbruck university press • iup
Preis: 18,00 Euro

The interdepartmental „Forschungsplattform Informatik & Applied Computing“ (Platform IAC) is integrating all research activities at the University of Innsbruck in the fields of Information Technology (IT) and e-Science. The Platform is based on the focal research areas "Computer Science", "Computational Engineering" and "High Performance Computing". Presently 23 institutes and research groups from five faculties are participating in the Platform IAC through these three areas. This booklet presents an introduction and overview on recent research topics in computer science, computational engineering and high-performance computing conducted by various research groups in the framework of the Platform IAC.

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