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Ecological challenges: philosophical, theological and spiritual perspectives

Andreas Vonach (Ed.)

ISBN 978-3-903187-09-2
brosch., 176 Seiten
2018, innsbruck university press • iup

Preis: 21,90 Euro

When Pope Francis had published his Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato si’ in April 2015, worldwide echos were heard and many international journals and ratings voted for the pope as being the most important and influencial person according to questions of global responsibility and ecological challenges of the beginning 21st century. Even if it is a fact that the global earth warming is going forth and forth causing weatheranomalities and climatediffusions neither international politics nor global environmental advocates seem to have the power to initiate effective and sustainable measures against this development.
In a bilateral conference scholars from the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Innsbruck / Austria and Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth in Pune / India tried to come closer to these complex questions of a very emotional debated topic by discussing papers, statements and theses. The results of the common discussions are published in this volume.

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