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Welcome to the Algebra Group at the University of Innsbruck!


Our research focuses on Real Algebra and Geometry, with connections to Convexity and Optimization, Operator Algebra, Category Theory and Theoretical Quantum Physics. Real Algebraic Geometry studies semialgebraic sets over the reals or general real closed fields. In algebraic terms, one studies nonnegative polynomials on such sets, and describes them as (generalized) sums of squares. This approach goes back to Hilbert’s 17th Problem. It helps understanding semialgebraic sets and establishes a close connection to optimization, mostly via semidefinite programming. There are also connections to Operator Algebra and Theoretical Quantum Physics, via non-commutative semialgebraic sets and non-commutative notions of convexity. We also study Category Theory and its applications, for example to Probability.

If you want to know more, or have questions concerning these topics, feel free to contact us.


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