Unterweger, Alexander: Epidemiologie des NSCLC im Tiroler Oberland, sowie pharmakologische Aspekte der palliativmedizinischen Therapie mit TKI und AK im Stadium IV (2022).
Breitschopf, Irene: Quantitative study to assess the clinical impact of a pharmacist-led discharge medication review service of a private hospital in Switzerland (2021).
Earle-Payne, Katie: The standards of practice for pharmacotherapy Level 3 reviews: A consensus study (2021).
Lindner, Nikolaus: The role of the Austrian community pharmacist in immunisation: A national survey (2021).
Widman, Lucie: Clinical significance of pharmacist-led medication reviews in renally impaired inpatients at the Oberschwabenklinik (OSK) in Ravensburg/Germany (2021).
Rainer-Harbach, Elena: Improving medication adherence in the community pharmacy: an exploration of Austrian Pharmacists’ adherence enhancing practices (2021).
Blume, Lena: Evaluation of German oncology patients’ experiences with the provision of personalised medication schedules to promote patient safety: a qualitative study (2021).
Kuchar, Alice: Implementation of COVID-19 Risk Management strategies in Austrian community pharmacies: a qualitative study (2021)
Klobasa, Julia: Community pharmacists’ views and experiences of interprofessional communication with general practitioners concerning medication management in Austria: a qualitative study (2020).
Heidecker, Verena: Factors influencing and prevalence of treatment adherence in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review (2020).
Ladurner, Omar: Views, experiences and expectations of patients in the use of medical cannabis in the South Tyrol region of Italy (2020).
Sun, Qian: A systematic review of the roles of primary care pharmacists in the management of heart failure patients (2020).
Reiter-Browne, Sara: A quantitative study to evaluate the clinical relevance of a pharmacist-led medication review service at a teaching hospital in Salzburg, Austria (2020).
Orisile, George: The effect of community pharmacy led public health interventions on health outcomes: A systematic review (2020).
Reschke, Elisabeth: Patient experience with the pharmacist-led preparation of the best possible medication history (BPMH) service at the Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg, Austria (2020).
Atkins, ONeil: Blood and Blood Products versus Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents in the treatment of anaemia in patients affected by Chronic Kidney Disease in two main hospitals in Guyana (2020).
Metzbauer, Wolfgang: Analysis of time management for performing medication reviews in community pharmacies in Austria (2020).
Palme, Veronika: General Practitioners’ views and expectations of interprofessional collaboration with community pharmacists in Austria: A qualitative study (2020).
Pirker, Magdalena: An exploration of the pharmaceutical care needs of elderly polypharmacy patients in the north-east of Austria (2020).
Was, Bartosz: Factors influencing giving informed consent for participation in oncology and haematology clinical trials of an investigational medicinal product in the north-east of Scotland (2020).
Deibl, Stefan: Barriers towards the Implementation of clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacies across Austria (2019)
Zotter, Simone: Implementing a clinical pharmacy service at a general practice surgery in Austria: An evaluation of the clinical significance and benefits of pharmacist-led interventions (2019).
Bisset, Jennifer Annette: To identify if the involvement of a prescribing pharmacist during the pre-operative stage of bariatric surgery reduces medication related patient harm (2019).
Thomson, Alison: A comparison of neutropenic sepsis occurrence in patients receiving systemic chemotherapy with filgrastim compared with lipegfilgrastim (2018).
O’Regan, Dervla: The impact of body weight in melphalan dosing in autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (2018).
Niomas, Spyridon: An investigation of the experiences, beliefs and opinions of patients over 18 years old suffering from asthma/ COPD towards seasonal flu vaccination in Pefki, Greece. A cross-sectional study (2017)
Hegarty, Maura: Impact of Pharmacist screening of discharge prescriptions for older patients in an irish teaching hospital (2017).
Hah, Jin: A service evaluation to investigate the impact of a new workflow and awareness campaign to reduce missed doses associated with medication unavailability in renal, vascular , general surgery and transplant wards at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (2017)
Müller, Dora: Evaluation of the clinical significance and value of a clinical pharmacy service at a Viennese teaching hospital (2016).
Hall, Ruth Sara: An evaluation of prescribing and administration practice of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) in surgical wards at Victoria Hospital (VHK), NHS Fife (2016)
Agyemang, Douglas Osei: Treatment outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Effect of time and frequency of Thioguanine Nucleotide (TGN) monitoring in a specialist IBD clinic (2016).
McManus, Keelan: To determine the incidence of a clinically significant decrease in left ventricular rejection fraction (LVEF) in HER-2 positive female breast cancer patients treated with intravenous trastuzumab in the adjuvant and metastatic settings at St. James’s hospital, Dublin (2016).
Mitchell, Beverley Elizabeth: A comparison of pharmaceutical care issues identified in day-case patients receiving systemic anticancer treatment (SACT) pre and post implementation of comprehensive medication history taken by a cancer care pharmacist (2016).
McGee, Patrick James: Co-medications in an HIV outpatient clinic: The level of accurate recording of co-medications and the significance of identified drug interactions between co-medications and antiretrovirals (ARVS) in the outpatient HIV clinic of Beaumont hospital, Dublin (2015).
Hewitt, Jennie Jane: An audit of emesis management in cancer patients receiving systematic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) before and after implementation of a regional anti-emetic guideline within the ANCHOR unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (2015).
Murphy, Jane: Oral anticancer medicine prescriptions and related clinical pharmacy activities in an Irish hospital day ward-an evaluation (2015).
Seychell, Elaine: The implementation and evaluation of a clinical pharmacist-led medication reconciliation service in geriatric patients upon admission to the rehabilitation hospital Karin Grech, Pieta, Malta (2015).
Wylie, Jane: An exploration of the awareness, knowledge and understanding of medicine sick day rule cards amongst patients admitted to the actual medical admissions unit at Raigmore hospital (2015).
Pitcairn, Alice Mairi: An evaluation of a pharmacy technician led medication assessment service for patients of 4 GP surgeries in Dundee and Angus (2015).
Ali, Samina: To determine the levels of knowledge, awareness and attitudes of type 2 diabetes and its complications in Caucasian and south Asian type 2 diabetics and non-diabetics in a GP surgery in Glasgow (2014).
Yeung, Pui Yan: Knowledge and attitudes of community pharmacists in the Cambridgeshire area, united Kingdom regarding the provision of the emergency contraceptive pill by both over-the-counter (OTC) and patient group directions (PGD) (2014).
Bailey, Rosemarie Joan: Regulation of community pharmacies: A systematic review of new community pharmacy licensing process in Jamaica, the United States and the United Kingdom (2014)
Barlassina, Luigi: Views and attitudes of oral contraceptive users towards the availability of oral contraceptives without a prescription in the republic of Ireland (2014)
Dunn, John: The implementation of an electronic Vancomycin prescribing chart with in-built calculator function within the hospital setting (2014).
Dickson, Fiona: Develop a process to support clinical pharmacists to provide feedback to hospital prescribers on the individual prescribing errors (2014).
Lynch, Nicola: Service users and providers’ view on metabolic side effects of clozapine: A mixed methods study (2013)
Barry, Maria: To assess the impact of lean methodologies on the efficiency of Pharmacy dispensing and staff satisfaction in a paediatric hospital Pharmacy department (2013).
Fenech, Fiona: Development of an oncology inpatient service at Sir Paul Boffa hospital, Malta: a pilot study (2013)
Seaneke, Obedia Akweley: HIV positive or negative outcome of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and feeding on babies born to HIV positive mothers at the Korle-Bu teaching hospital (2011).
Wells, Lauren: development of a prioritisation tool for identifying potential pharmaceutical care issues in medical patients (2013).