another BAFIT-Case Challenge 2024

BAFIT-Case challenge in cooperation with MED-EL

This summer term we have held another BAFIT-Case challenge in cooperation with MED-EL. The company was seeking for approaches and ideas on how to implement an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution to assist the Regulatory Affairs (RA) Department in improving the efficiency and the quality of how certain functions are executed. Regulatory Affairs at MED-EL ...

... need to ensure products meet global regulatory standards which demands careful preparation of product related documentation according to a diverse set of country-specific regulations.

The Challenge started with a kickoff event at MED-EL headquarters in Innsbruck on May 6th and students had about 40 days to work on their solutions. On June 17th we invited four teams to present their final solution in front of experts of MED-EL and the University of Innsbruck. The dedication and intensive engagement of the students with the case was evident in all of the presentations. The winner team presented their solution at the BAFIT network lunch on June 18th. We are happy to present the winner teams:



1st place: Clementi Anna, Holzmann Amira, Salchner Miriam, Seebacher Sophie



2nd place: Taubert Nicole, Brandacher Simon, Muturi Phoebe Wamuyu ,Fehrenbach Anna



3rd place: Meier Matthias, Kommer Daniel, Kaygisiz Tugay, Schnee Markus, Gruber Georg, Leuk Fabian



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