Project objective 4: Communication aids
Due to the fact that people with intellectual disabilities are often limited in their ability to express themselves verbally, special communication aids and translations of the materials into easy language are to be created. Central formulations, explanations, technical words, core sentences and descriptions will be provided on different levels (signs, pictograms, if necessary films and/or picture stories etc.).
The term Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to all forms of communication for people with difficult-to-understand, limited or no spoken language that support limited verbal language. AAC methods include bodily and non-bodily forms of communication that are designed to supplement, replace, and enhance existing communication skills in an individually tailored manner.
Physical forms of communication do not require external aids or communication aids. They include eye contact, breathing, gestures, facial expressions and posture as well as gestures and hand signals. Remote forms of communication are electronic and/or non-electronic communication aids. Objects, photographs, symbol boards, or communication folders are non-electronic aids. Communication devices are counted as electronic communication aids. Lack of communication options and language limitations have extensive negative consequences and affect the quality of life. Common problems such as misunderstandings, problematic behaviours, frustration or feelings of isolation can be avoided by using appropriate communication aids.