- Jan. 09, 17:15 "Theory Colloquium: Approximation algorithms for quantum many-body systems"
Speaker: Robert König, TU Munich | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building
- Jan. 09, 09:00 "Separability criteria from simultaneous hollowisation"
Speaker: Antoine Neven, Université de Liège, Belgium | Location: Seminar room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jan. 14, 14:00 "Quantum extension of variational Bayes inference"
Speaker: Hideyuki Miyahara, University of Tokyo | Location: Room 2S16, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jan. 21, 14:15 "Cavity QED with molecules"
Speaker: Claudiu Genes, Max Planck Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Erlangen | Location: Room 2S16, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jan. 30, 17:00 "Theory Colloquium: Radiative Signatures of Relativistic Shock Acceleration in Blazars"
Speaker: Markus Böttcher, Centre for Space Research, North-West University, South Africa | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building
- Feb. 11, 15:00 "Theory Colloquium: Skyrmion Lattices in Random and Ordered Potential Landscapes"
Speaker: Charles Reichhardt, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building
- Mar. 06, 17:15 "Theory Colloquium: Quantum retrodiction: is there an arrow of time in quantum mechanics?"
Speaker: Stephen Barnett, University of Glasgow | Location: HS C, VFH building
- Mar. 20, 17:00 "Theory Colloquium: From many-body physics to quantum information with atomic and photonic systems"
Speaker: Hannes Pichler, Harvard University | Location: SR 1, ground floor, ICT building
- Mar. 21, 10:15 "MIGA and Gravitational Wave Detection at low frequency with Atom Interferometry"
Speaker: Andrea Bertoldi, Institut d'Optique, Talence, France | Location: Seminar room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Apr. 10, 16:30 "Theory Colloquium: Emergence of molecular friction in liquids: a memory kernel perspective"
Speaker: Felix Höfling, Freie Universität Berlin | Location: SR 1, ground floor, ICT building
- Apr. 15, 14:00 "Criticality in dislocation plasticity"
Speaker: Mikko Alava, Aalto University, Finland | Location: Seminar room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- May 15, 16:30 "Theory Colloquium: Axial anomalies in Weyl semimetals"
Speaker: Jens Bardarson, KTH Stockholm | Location: SR 1, ground floor, ICT building
- May 23, 10:00 "Crystalline droplets with emergent color-charge in many-body systems with sign-changing interactions"
Speaker: Peter Karpov, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems | Location: Room 2S16, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jun. 19, 10:00 "Clifford operations and the verification of quantum computations"
Speaker: Richard Jozsa, DAMTP, University of Cambridge UK
| Location: Room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jul. 01, 13:00 "Current Developments in Deep Learning"
Speaker: Johannes Brandstetter, JKU Linz | Location: Room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Jul. 01, 13:00 "Deep Learning for Quantum Optical Experiments"
Speaker: Johannes Kofler, JKU Linz | Location: Room 2S17, 1st floor, ICT building
- Oct. 17, 17:00 "Physik für Nicht-Physik-Studenten?! Versuch eines holistischen Ansatzes der Physik-Lehre - Warum? Wie und was?"
Speaker: Bernd Jödicke, HTWG Konstanz | Location: Lecture hall D, VFH building
- Oct. 21 - Oct. 22, from 08:30 "Hearings für die Laufbahnstelle ITP"
Speakers: see PDF | Locations: see PDF
- Oct. 24, 15:00 "Quantum Information theory: from entanglement to quantum computing"
Speaker: Barbara Kraus, ITP | Location: Lecture hall B, 1st floor, VFH building
- Nov. 20, 16:30 "Theory Colloquium: Light-matter interface based on collective and cooperative effects"
Speaker: Alexandra Sheremet, Institut Langevin, ESPCI, Paris, France | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building
- Nov. 27, 16:30 "Theory Colloquium: Anderson Localisation of Light"
Speaker: Walter Schirmacher, University of Mainz | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building
- Dec. 04, 16:30 "Theory Colloquium: Topological phases of matter - From classification to detection in experiments"
Speaker: Frank Pollmann, TU Munich and Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology | Location: Seminar room SR1, ground floor, ICT building