Gastvortrag von Martin M. Lintner OSM (PTH Brixen): „Theology in Public Universities: Challenge and Opportunity for Both Sides“
Dekanatssitzungssaal der Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Karl-Rahner-Platz 1, 1. OG
Theology has an interesting history: while it was given first place in medieval universities, it was often suppressed in universities from the Enlightenment onwards. Its scientific character and its usefulness to society were often denied. The fundamental questions are still being asked today. What is the added value of scientific theology for the university and society? What are the implications for theology itself of having to engage in academic debate with the other sciences?
Using his own discipline, moral theology, as an example, the speaker will show the tension between academic theology, which is aware of being bound to the genuinely theological primary sources, i.e. revelation and Holy Scripture, as well as to tradition and the Magisterium of the Church, and at the same time has to face a critical, pluralistic and also secularised public. Moral theology can only maintain its social relevance if it is open about its theological claim and at the same time committed to the argumentative power of its positions.
Martin M. Lintner OSM ist Dekan und Ordentlicher Professor für Moraltheologie und Spirituelle Theologie an der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Brixen. Aktuelle Publikationen umfassen „Christliche Beziehungsethik. Historische Entwicklungen - Biblische Grundlagen - Gegenwärtige Perspektiven“ (2023), „Der Mensch und das liebe Vieh. Ethische Fragen im Umgang mit Tieren“ (2017) und „Den Eros entgiften. Plädoyer für eine tragfähige Sexualmoral und Beziehungsethik“ (2011).
Der Gastvortrag findet im Rahmen der Buchpräsentation von „Theology and the University“ - herausgegeben von Fáinche Ryan, Dirk Ansorge und Josef Quitterer - statt, das im April 2024 bei Routledge erscheinen ist.