Karl und Hugo Rahner. Bildrechte: Provinzarchiv SJ München

Logo Jesuits in InnsbruckInternational Rahner Fellowship

The International Rahner Fellowship is a grant given by the Jesuit College Innsbruck in collaboration with the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in memory of the Jesuits Karl and Hugo Rahner. Both Rahners contributed significantly to the development of Catholic Theology as members of the Faculty at Innsbruck University while living at the Jesuit College.

The International Rahner Fellowship was started as an initiative of the Jesuit Community in 2024. Its aim is to support post-doc-level Jesuits in the development of their academic careers worldwide. The program offers grants from three to six months for research at Innsbruck University. It provides accommodation, meals, and academic resources for the completion of a planned research project.

Fellows will benefit from community life in the Jesuit College, from a vibrant academic life at the Faculty of Catholic Theology and the wider university, and from opportunities within the rich cultural and natural environment of Innsbruck. The program supports research in all areas of theology and philosophy. While work on Karl or Hugo Rahner would be welcome, it is not a requirement.

Details of Program

Requirements for application

  • completed doctorate in Theology or Philosophy
  • good language skills in English
  • German language skills are helpful, but not necessary

Opportunities and expectations

  • a public lecture and a presentation in one of the Faculty’s departments or doctoral colleges
  • academic exchange with faculty members
  • intended publication of the research proposed (e.g. submission at ZTP if suitable)


Applications should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • two evaluations of the dissertation
  • a proposal of the intended research, indicating the work done so far (3-5 pp.)
  • a confirmation from the Provincial that you may accept the fellowship if granted

Applications for 2025–2026 are possible until 1st of June 2025 (please consider the time required for visa applications).
Applications for 2026–2027 are possible until 1st of May 2026.


For more information and to submit your (electronic) application, please contact:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Boris Repschinski SJ
Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
E-Mail: boris.repschinski@uibk.ac.at

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