Poster Sessions
There will be two poster sessions on Wednes and Thursday evening. In each session, half of the posters will be presented. The recommended format for posters is DIN A0 and some means of fixing the posters will be provided.
Poster Session A (Wed 20:30 - 22:30)
- Ulrich Bangert
- Marcel Binz
- Lukas Bruder
- Francois Coppens
- Giulia Faraoni
- Sharareh Izadnia
- Lorenz Kranabetter
- Florian Lackner
- Maxime Martinez
- Rebecca Meißner
- Sean O'Connell (Hot Topic)
- Monisha Rastogi
- Daniel Thomas
- Patricia Zandbergen (Hot Topic)
- Matus Samel
- Veronica Oliver
- Bruno Langbehn
Poster Session B (Thu 20:30 - 22:30)
- Manuel Barranco
- Matthias Bohlen
- Igor Cherepanov
- Katrin Dulitz
- Ricardo Fernandez-Perez (Hot Topic)
- Marcelo Goulart
- Michael Kelbg
- Martin Kuhn
- Aaron LaForge
- Paul Martini
- Marcel Mudrich (Hot Topic)
- James Pickering
- Corey Rice
- Deepak Verma
- Johannes von Vangerow (Hot Topic - different topic)
- Michal Ďurian
- Sivarama Krishnan