Newsroom Archive
Master course AMO physics, April 9th - April 11th
Theses Defense Magdalena Salzburger
73rd Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, DE
Theses Defense Stefan Bergmeister
Celebration DK ALM 8 years plus - Festive Event, June 3rd 2024
Theses Defense Lea Marion Trenkwalder
Nano-Oszillator mit Rekord-Gütefaktor
Thesis Defense: Raphael Holzinger
Thesis Defense: Matthias Englbrecht
Thesis Defense: Siegfried Kollotzek
Thesis Defense: Franziska Dahlmann
Blast Chiller for the quantum world
Thesis Defense: Artem Rakcheev
Summerschool 2022, Lech am Arlberg
Thesis Defense: Katharina Geistlinger
Thesis Defense: Govind Unnikrishnan
Physicist shed light on the darkness
Thesis Defense: Malcom Simpson
Quantumsimulator überflügelt Computer
Einblicke in die Wasserstoffentwicklung
Thesis Defense: Schneider Christian
Symmetrie befördert Auslöschung
Top EU Reserach Award for Rudolf Grimm
Artificial intelligence meets quantum physics
Error protected quantum bits entangled
Thesis defense: Nina Bersenkowitsch
Thesis defense: Gianmaria Durastante
Pioneering work by Hans Briegel has been honored
Nature Physics: Top publication by Francesca Ferlaino's group was honored
PRL cover print: coauthor Govind Unnikrishnan
Interaction-Enhanced Group Velocity of Bosons in the Flat Band of an Optical Kagome Lattice
Thesis defense: Lorenz Ballauf
Thesis defense: Hendrik Poulsen-Nautrup
Get together and hand over DK ALM Supplement
Thesis defense: Martin Hebenstreit
Top EU Research Award for the DK ALM speaker Roland Wester
Quantum Light Induces an Emergent Quasicrystalline Symmetry
Two QFTE projects approved by the FWF: Tracy Northup and Gregor Weihs
Resonantly Interacting Fermi-Fermi Mixture of 161Dy and 40K
Thesis defense: Lorenz Kranabetter
Barbara Kraus received price of the Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse
Helmut Ritsch receives Erwin Schrödinger price
Thesis defense: Davide Orsucci, PhD
Prace project for simulation of solid state systems
APS-fellowship for Francesca Ferlaino
Thesis defense: David Plankensteiner
Summer workshop Kitzbühel 2019
Puzzling on a quantum chessboard
Celebration time: David Sauerwein received his PhD in physics
David Sauerwein receives Canada price for his work on multipartite entangled states
First diode for magnetic fields
First Dipolar Quantum Mixtures
EU Förderungen für die Entwicklung von Quantentechnologien
Gregor Weihs erhält Wilhelm Exner Medaille
Licht ins Dunkel der Vielteilchenverschränkung
Public Outreach: Wire conference
The Fingerprints of Molecules in Space
Physics doctoral programme a great success
Artificial agent designs quantum experiments
Researchers develop data bus for quantum computer
Visiting doctoral scholars - research stay Davide Orsucci
Summer school in Pertisau at lake Achensee
Imaging dyanmic fingerprints of competing E2 and SN2 reactions
Quantum particles form droplets
Observing the Birth of Quasiparticles
University of Innsbruck
DK Atoms, Light, and Molecules
Technikerstr. 25/3/6
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 512 507-52760