
Training programme


The DK training programme is compatible with the current physics PhD curriculum at the University of Innsbruck. A summary of the curriculum can be found in the section Scientific fields and graduation.

The training programme of the DK ALM provides a wealth of knowledge to the PhD students and encourages vibrant interactions among them through a range of dedicated courses and events. This includes a large number of lectures during the teaching terms as well as annual Summer Schools, where PhD students, group leaders, and international speakers could interact over a period of three to five days.

The programme also invites high-profile speakers to present talks at the DK colloquium series and supported the Journal Club of the PhD students. Moreover, the DK emphasizes the importance of building and strengthening cooperation and offeres a
wide variety of opportunities for PhD students to visit conferences and research groups abroad, which often lead to partnerships and career opportunities.

Site content:

Introductory & specialist introductory lectures
Advanced lectures
Generic competences
Summerschools & Science Days
Research stays
Pre-talk & Talk DK ALM Physic Colloquia

Introductory & specialist introductory lectures

This lectures serves as an introduction for newly recruited DK PhD students from diverse backgrounds, providing them with a solid foundation in various topics of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and facilitating the development of a common scientific language. Additionally, three elective lectures are offered every second year

Introductory lectures:

The special introductory lectures on AMO physics give a general introduction to AMO physics read by DK ALM faculty members:
2023 - February 06th to 09th by Martin Beyer & Hanns-Christoph Nägerl
2021 - February 1st to February 4th by Martin Beyer & Hanns-Christoph Nägerl
2018 - January 22nd to January 26th by Paul Scheier & Rudolf Grimm
2016June 27th -July 1st by Paul Scheier & Rudolf Grimm

Specialized lectures:

These lectures give more specialist overview to the topics; at least on out of the three courses is compulsory; course are held every 2nd year starting 2016, read by DK ALM faculty members:
Laserphysics by Gregor Weihs
Computational methods in AMO physics by Andreas Läuchli & Helmut Ritsch
Atom cooling and trapping by Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

Advanced lectures

Following the initial lectures, the DK organizes a continuous programme of specialized graduate lectures that aligned with the research fields of AMO physics. These lectures focuses on providing theoretical background knowledge and broader perspectives to prepare the PhD students for their specific projects. The lectures are delivered either by DK Faculty Members or by external experts. This diverse range of lecturers ensures an excellent training experience for the PhD students, enriching their understanding of the field and fostering interdisciplinary perspectives.

Solid-state quantum emitters: Overview on Experimental Techniques by Vikas Remseh, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Theory on quantum gases by Russell Bisset, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Theoretical modelling of condensed matter and ultracold atom experiments by Andreas Läuchli-Herzig, PSI & EPFL, Switzerland
Experimental Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Simulation by Gerhard Kirchmair, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Physics in Life-Sciences by Harald Schöbel, MCI, Austria
Theory on quantum gases by Russell Bisset, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Experimental quantum information by Ben Lanyon, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Quantum Information, computation and learning by Hans J. Briegel, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Theory on quantum gases by Russell Bisset, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Solid state by Luca Barbiero, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Quantum information, computation, and learning by Hans J. Briegel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Electronic structure calculations and reaction dynamics by Lola Gonzales-Sanchez, University of Salamanca, Spain
Low dimensional materials by Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, United States of America

Experimental aspects of research in Cold Chemistry by Andreas Osterwalder, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Switzerland
Analytical and numerical methods for classical optics by Robert Keil, Universtity of Innsbruck, Austria
Introduction to action spectroscopy by Yoni Toker, Bar Illan University, AIANI guest professor, Israel
Introduction to the theory of molecular collisions​ by Lola Gonzales-Sanchez, University of Salamanca, Spain

Molecular Astrophysics by Holger Kreckel, Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Germany 
Quantum information and simulation by Barbara Kraus, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Special topics in AMO​ physics - Molecular collision dynamics by Roland Wester & Jennifer Meyer, University of Innsbruck

Generic competences
(special lectures for DK ALM PhD students)

Designing innovative projects for science communication by Andrea Lopez Incera & Lea M. Trenkwalder, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2025:
Scientific writing by Tracy E. Nortup, Unviersity of Innsbruck, Austria
Good Scientific Practice in Social Sciences and Humanities by Albrecht Becker, University of Innsbruck, Austria


Summerschools & Science Days

Annual summerschools (3 to 5 days) and Science Days (1 to 2 days) are organized by the DK Office or PhD students. Each school or day is dedicated to a special topic in the fields of AMO physics to prepare the PhD students for their future career.

Science Day
2025 Obergurgl (planned)
Obergurgl, Tyrol, AT
2024 Matrei/Brenner, Tyrol, AT CERN, Geneve, CH
2023 Oberambach, Bavaria, DE Venet, Tyrol, AT: Insight into open data and what it takes to make them reusable
2022 Lech, Vorarlberg, AT Igls, Tyrol, AT: Transfer from research to industry or how to start successfully in entrepreneurship
2021 Pertisau/Achensee, Tyrol, AT
2020 Pertisau/Achensee, Tyrol, AT
Innsbruck: get together
2019 Kitzbühel, Tyrol, AT  
2018 Obergurgl, Tyrol, AT

Innsbruck: Workshop Scientific wirting & Innsbruck-Igls: Presentation Workshop

2017 Pertisau/Achensee, Tyrol, AT  Rhetoric workshop, Seehof, Innsbruck
2016 DK ALM Kick Off Event  

Research stays

The research stays abroad are one of the success stories for the DK ALM PhD students, for their supervisors, and for their international hosts, which are mostly top groups all over the world. Closely supported by the DK ALM management the DK ALM PhD students have the opportunity for a professional and personal development and to take actively part in organising
the stay and in research projects at the foreign research institutions. The research stays are discussed in TC meetings and are included in the work plan of the PhD students mostly scheduled ideally for the end of the second or beginning of the third year.The TCs have also promoted the integration of the PhD students into the scientific community by encouraging
research stays abroad and conference participations.

Talking to DK ALM alumni and current PhD students, they have emphasized that the research stays are a very important feature of the doctoral programme. The stays have contributed to their overview of the scientific field, their publication output and last but not least their personal development. They have established contacts and have learned new techniques and scientific approaches in a relatively short time. In several cases the research stays resulted in publications with the host.

As a PhD student you will decide together with your supervisor when you will start with your research stay and where you will go.

Pretalk & Talk DK ALM Physic Colloquia

The Innsbruck Physics Research Center organizes the Innsbruck Physics Colloquium always on Tuesdays at 16:30 h in lecture hall C during the semester. 3 times per semster the DK ALM organizes the collquium and the PhD students are invited to give a pretalk before the main talk. This give the opportunity to present the work in front of a larger audience in a manner that the topic can be understood by anyone with a physics background. An ample time for discussion and networking with the speaker in between pre-talk and main talk were foreseen. All students will receive individual presentation from the supervisor and peers.


March 4th 2025, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Thorsten Schumm, TU Wien, AT, on Laser excitation and spectroscopy of the Thorium-229 nucleus
pretalk by Isaac Smith, group Hans J. Briegel, on Universal quantum computation using only Pauli strings


May 6th 2025, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Ioan Pop, KIT  & Stuttgart University, DE, on Mesoscopic physics challenges (in) superconducting quantum devices
pretalk by Desislava Atanasova, group Gerhard Kirchmair, on Controlling a qubit encoded in a harmonic oscillator



January 28th 2025, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Christiane Helling, TU Graz, ÖAW, AT, on Exoplanets in our front yards: Gas giant exoplanets and their climate regimes
pretalk by Sruthi Purushu M., group Roland Wester, on Photodetachment spectroscopic studies of cold, trapped negative ions

December 3rd 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Nieck van Hulst, ICFO, ICREA, ES, on A Nano Photonics View into Light-Harvesting
pretalk by Elena Poli, group Francesca Ferlaino, on Rotating dipolar supersolids

June 11th 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm, HS C
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Lutz Schweikhard, DE, on MR-ToF devices in nuclear physics and cluster research
pretalk by Shan Jin, group Martin Beyer, on Spectroscopy of ionic iron compounds with astrochemical relevance

May 15th 2024, 04.30 & 05.15 pm
DK ALM Physics Colloquium talk will be given by Ilja Gerhardt, Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE, on Single Molecules for Quantum Optics
pretalk by Alexander Ebenbichler, group Norbert Przybilla, on
Alignment of diffuse interstellar bands

January 16th 2024
Physic Colloquium will be given by Alec M. Wodtke, MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, DE, on Low-temperature adsorbate quantum dynamics observed using a mid-ir superconducting nanowire single photon detector
pre-talk by Thomas Gstir, group Roland Wester, on The influence of fluorination on the dynamics of the F+CH3CH2 I reaction

November 11th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Alexander Pawlis, Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE,  on Modern Device Concepts based on novel aspects in the MBE of classic wide gap II/VI semiconductors
pre-talk by Tommaso Faleo, group Gregor Weihs, on
Entanglement-induced collective multiparticle interference

June 27th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Yiwen Chu, ETH Zürich, CH, on Schrödinger cat states of a 16-microgram mechanical oscillator
pre-talk by Florian Goschin, group Tracy E. Northup, on Optomechanics with levitated particles in ultra-high vacuum

April 18th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Jeffrey Hangst, University of Aarhus, DK. on Spectroscopic and Gravitational studies of antimatter: the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN
pre-talk by Siegfried Kollotzek, group Paul Scheier. on How to dope multiply charged superfluid helium nanodroplets

January 10th 2023
Physic Colloquium will be given by Albert Schliesser, University of Copenhagen, NL, on
Phononic quantum sensors and transducers
pre-talk by Lukas Deeg, group Gerhard Kirchmair, on Nonlinear Magnetomechanics

December 13th 2022
Physic Colloquium will be given by Frank Stienkemeier, University of Freiburg, DE, on Time-resolved coherent spectroscopy of dilute samples​
pre-talk by Yusuf Karli, group Gregor Weihs, on Red‐detuned Excitation of a Quantum Emitter

May 10th 2022
Physic Colloquium will be given by Christiane Koch, FU Berlin, DE, on
Quantum control of atoms, molecules and their interaction
pre-talk: Artem Rakcheev, group Andreas Läuchli, on Dynamics of a pair of magnetic dipoles with non‐reciprocal interactions due to a moving conductor

April 26th 2022
Physic Colloquium will be given by Mete Atatüre, Departments of Physics, The Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge, GB, on Nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot: through the looking-glass, and what we found there
pre-talk by Raphael Holzinger, group Helmut Ritsch, on Collective Effects in Molecules

April 5th 2022
Physic Colloquium will be given by Martin Schultze, TU Graz, AT, on Light-wave driven charge- and spin dynamics
pre-talk by Matthias Englbrecht, group Barbara Kraus, Party-local Clifford transformations of stabilizer states

April 27th 2021
Physic Colloquium will be given by Lai-Shang Wang, Brown University, US, on
Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Cryogenically-Cooled Anions via Dipole-Bound Excited States
pre-talk by Franziska Dahlmann, group Roland Wester, on Hyperfine effects in the vibrational spectroscopy of Cl-H2 and Cl-D2 complexes

March 23rd 2021
Physic Colloquium will be given by Jun Ye, University of Colorado Boulder, US, on A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules with tunable interactions
pretalk by Jakob Heller, group Martin Beyer, on Hydrated Metal Ions:  Unravelling the H2 Formation Mechanism

December, 15th 2020
Physic Colloquium will be given by Eric Herbst, Unviersity of Virginia, US,. on
What molecules tell us about the formation of stars and planets
pre-talk by Elvia Colella, group Helmut Ritsch, on Dynamical gauge fields for ultracold atoms in optical resonators

October, 13th 2020
Physic Colloquium will be given by Wolfgang Tittel, Delft University of Technology, DK, on 
How to catch a photon
pre-talk by Christian Schneider, group Gerhard Kirchmair, on Superconduction Quantum Magnetomechanics

January, 15th 2020
Physics Colloquium will be given by David Manolopoulos, University of Oxford, UK, on
Master equations for spin dynamics
pre-talk by Matthias Kondrak, group Norbert Przybilla, on Quantitative Spectroscopy of Red Supergiants

June, 4th 2019
Physics Colloquium will be given by Bernd von Issendorff, Universität Freiburg, DE, on
Small is beautiful: structure and dynamics of atomic and molecular clusters
 pre-talk by Sohmen Maximilian, group Francesca Ferlaino, on Dipolar Quantum Gases of Erbium and Dysprosium

March, 19th 2019
Physic Colloquium will be given by Vahid Sandoghdar, MPI Erlangen, DE, on
Organic Molecules Coming of Age in Quantum Optics
pre-talk by Govind Unnikrishnan, group Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, on Toward qunatum gas microscopy of tunable quantum matter

January, 15th 2019
Physic Colloquium will be given by Manfred Kappes, KIT, DE, on
Structure and spectroscopy of metal containing cluster ions
 pre-talk by Michael Rader, group Barbara Kraus, on Finite Correlation Length Scaling in Lorentz-Invariant Gapless iPEPS Wave Functions

December, 11th 2018 
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Simon Trebst, Uni Köln, DE, on Quantum Machine Learning
pre-talk by Arthur Jungkind, group Gregor Weihs, on Cavity cooling and trapping with blue detuned light

November, 27th 2018
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by  Jochen Küpper, DESY, NL, on Simple games with molecules for advanced imaging
 pre-talk by Lorenz Ballauf, group Paul Scheier, on Molecules formed in ioni-surface collisions

June, 5th 2018
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Fernando Brandão, Caltech, US, on
New Directions in Quantum Algorithms: Thermalization meets Convex Optimization
pre-talk by Lorenz Kranabetter, group Paul Scheier, on Photo fragmentation of charged cluster complexes

May, 8 2018
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Andreas Hemmerich, University Hamburg, DE, on
At the interface between quantum optics and quantum many-body physics
pre-talk by David Plankensteiner, group Barbara Kraus, on Cavity antiresonance spectroscopy of dipole coupled subradiant arrays 

April, 17 2018
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Rudolf Bratschitsch, WWU Münster, DE, on
Single-photon emitters in atomically thin materials
pre-talk by Maximilian Prilmüller, group Gregor Weihs, on Quantum Dots as sources of nonclassical light

January, 16th 2018
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Lorenz Cederbaum, Univ. Heidelberg, DE, 
 On systems with and without excess energy in environment  ICD and other interatomic mechanisms
pre-talk by Ulrich Czopak, group Gregor Weihs, on The unconventional Polariton Blockade

November, 7th 2017
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Jean-Sebastien Caux, Univ. Amsterdam, NL, on
 Dynamics in one dimension: a treasure trove of theoretical and experimental many-body quantum physics
pre-talk by Martin Hebenstreit, group Barbara Kraus, on The entanglement Hherarchy of 2 x m x n systems ​

October, 24th 2017
Physic Colloquium Talk will be given by Carlo Callegari, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, IT on
Atoms, Light, and Molecules at FERMI, the Italian Free Electron Laser
pre-talk by Gianmaria Durastante, group Francesca Ferlaino, on Quantum mixture of highly magnetic atoms

 June 13th 2017
Physic Colloquium will be given by Paola Caselli, MPI Garching, DE, on The first steps toward chemical complexity during star and planet formation
re-talk by Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, group Hans J. Briegel, on Topological code switching in two dimensions

May 30th 2017
Physic Colloquium will be given by Stephanie Wehner, TU Delft, on Quantum internet - the certifiable road ahead
pre-talk by Davide Orsucci, group Hans J. Briegel, on Flexible resources for quantum metrology

May 16th 2017
Physic Colloquium will be given by Gabriel Ferrari, Univ. Trento​, IT, on Spontaneous creation, dynamics and interaction of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates​
pretalk by Malcom Simpson, group Roland Wester, on
Photodetachment spectroscopy of molecular anions in a 22-pole ion trap

January 10th 2017
Physic Colloquium will be given by Stefan Willitsch, Universität Basel, CH, on Cold Molecular Ions in Traps: From Precision Spectroscopy to Controlled​ Collisions
pre-talk given by Isabella Fritsche, group Rudolf Grimm, on Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea

December 6th 2016
Physic Colloquium will be given by Piet Schmidt
pre-talk given by David Sauerwein, group Barbara Kraus, Transforming multipartite entangled quantum states

November 8th 2016
Physic Colloquium will be given by Viatcheslav Kokoouline, University of Central Florida, US, on Photodetachment and radiative electron attachment to molecules of astrophysical interest
pre-talk by Nina Bersenkowitsch, group Paul Scheier, on Photodissociation of doped sodium chloride clusters


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