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Publications - Tim Netzer  

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  • A Note on the Caratéodory Number of the Joint Numerical Range, with B. Maier
  • Self-Dual Cone Systems and Tensor Products
  • Positive Moments Forever: Undecidable and Decidable Cases, with G. De les Coves and A. Klingler
  • Homotopy Methods for Convex Optimization, with A. Klingler
  • Beyond Operator Systems, with G. De les Coves and Mirte van der Eyden



  1. Border Ranks of Positive and Invariant Tensor Decompositions: Applications to Correlations, with G. De les Coves and A. Klingler, Quantum, to appear
  2. Polynomial Decompositions with Invariance and Positivity Inspired by Tensors, with G. De las Cuevas and A. Klingler, Linear Algebra and its Applications 698, 537-588 (2024)
  3. A Note on Polynomial Equations over Algebras, with M. Illmer, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 152 (5), 1831–1839 (2024)
  4. Classifying Linear Matrix Inequalities via Abstract Operator Systems, with M. Berger and T. Drescher, Linear Algebra and its Applications 682, 28–49 (2024) 
  5. Tensor Decompositions on Simplicial Complexes with Invariance, with G. De las Cuevas and M. Hoogsteder Riera, Journal of Symbolic Computation 124, 102299 (2024) 
  6. Approximate Completely Positive Semidefinite Factorizations and Their Ranks, with P. Abbasi and A. Klingler, Linear Algebra and its Applications 677, 323-336 (2023)
  7. Abstract Operator Systems over the Cone of Positive Semidefinite Matrices, with M. Berger, Journal of Operator Theory 90 (2), 101–120 (2023) 
  8. Magic Squares: Latin, Semiclassical and Quantum, with G. De las Cuevas and I. Valentiner-Branth, Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 022201 (2023)
  9. Approximate Pythagoras Numbers, with P. Abbasi, S. Gribling and A. Klingler, Journal of Complexity 74, 101698 (2023) 
  10. On Projections of Free Semialgebraic Sets, with T. Drescher and A. Thom, Advances in Geometry 23 (2), 207–214 (2023)
  11. Halos and Undecidability of Tensor Stable Positive Maps, with G. De las Cuevas and M. van der Eyden, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 264006 (2022)also accepted for a talk at QPL 2022
  12. Cats Climb Entails Mammals Move: Preserving Hyponymy in Compositional Distributional Semantics, with G. De las Cuevas, A. Klingler and M. Lewis, Journal of Cognitive Science 22 (3), 311-353 (2021)
  13. Approximate Tensor Decompositions: Disappearance of many Separations, with G. De las Cuevas and A. Klingler, Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, 093502 (2021) Editor's Pick
  14. Quantum Information Theory and Free Semialgebraic Geometry: One Wonderland Through Two Looking Glasses, with G. De Las Cuevas, Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 246, 1-29 (2021)
  15. A Note on Noncommutative Polytopes and Polyhedra, with B. Huber, Advances in Geometry 21 (1), 119-124 (2021)
  16. Quantum Magic Squares: Dilations and Their Limitations, with G. De las Cuevas and T. Drescher, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61, 111704 (2020) Editor's Pick
  17. Mixed States in One Spatial Dimension: Decompositions and Correspondence with Nonnegative Matrices, with G. De las Cuevas,  Journal of Mathematical Physics 61, 041901 (2020)
  18. Optimal Bounds on the Positivity of a Matrix from a few Moments, with G. De las Cuevas and T. Fritz, Communications in Mathematical Physics 375, 105-126 (2020)
  19. Separability for Mixed States with Operator Schmidt Rank Two, with G. De las Cuevas and T. Drescher, Quantum 3, 203 (2019)
  20. Quadratic Modules, C*-Algebras, and Free Convexity, with V. Alekseev and A. Thom, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (11), 7525-7539 (2019)
  21. Free Semialgebraic Geometry, Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 240, 31–41 (2019)
  22. Non-Nudgable Subgroups of Permutations, Archiv der Mathematik 109 (5), 401-406 (2017)
  23. Spectrahedral Containment and Operator Systems with Finite-Dimensional Realization, with T. Fritz and A. Thom, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1, 556-574 (2017)
  24. About the Solvability of Matrix Polynomial Equations, with A. Thom, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 49, 670-675 (2017)
  25. Real Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 232, 1-18 (2016)
  26. Kazhdan’s Property (T) via Semidefinite Optimization, with A. Thom, Experimental Mathematics 24 (2), 1-4 (2015)
  27. Positivstellensätze for Quantum Multigraphs, with Andreas Thom, Journal of Algebra 422, 504-519 (2015)
  28. Can You Compute the Operator Norm? with T. Fritz and A. Thom, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (12), 4265-4276 (2014)
  29. Hyperbolic Polynomials and Generalized Clifford Algebras, with A. Thom, Discrete & Computational Geometry 51 (4), 802-814 (2014)
  30. Smooth Hyperbolicity Cones are Spectrahedral Shadows, with R. Sanyal, Mathematical Programming Series B Special Issue on Lifts of Convex Sets (2014)
  31. How Fast Do Polynomials Grow on Semialgebraic Sets? with Pinaki Mondal, Journal of Algebra 413, 320-344 (2014)
  32. Determinantal Representations and the Hermite Matrix, with D. Plaumann and A. Thom, Michigan Mathematical Journal 62 (2), 407-420 (2013)
  33. Real Closed Separation Theorems and Applications in Group Algebras, with A. Thom, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 263 (2), 435-452 (2013)
  34. Polynomials with and without Determinantal Representations, with A. Thom, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437 (7), 1579-1595 (2012)
  35. Positivstellensätze for Real Function Algebras, with M. Marshall, Mathematische Zeitschrift 270 (3-4), 889-901 (2012)
  36. Positive Polynomials and Projections of Spectrahedra, with J. Gouveia, Siam Journal on Optimization 21 (3), 960-976 (2011)
  37. On the Real Multidimensional Rational K-Moment Problem, with J. Cimprič and M. Marshall, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 (11), 5773-5788 (2011)
  38. Closures of Quadratic Modules, with J. Cimprič and M. Marshall, Israel Journal of Mathematics 183 (1), 445-474 (2011)
  39. Tracial Algebras and an Embedding Theorem, with A. Thom, Journal of Functional Analysis 259, 2939-2960 (2010)
  40. Representation and Approximation of Positivity Preservers, Journal of Geometric Analysis 20 (3), 751-770 (2010)
  41. On Semidefinite Representations of Non-Closed Sets, Linear Algebra and its Applications 432, 3072-3078 (2010)
  42. Exposed Faces of Semidefinitely Representable Sets, with D. Plaumann and M. Schweighofer, Siam Journal on Optimization 20 (4), 1944-1955 (2010)
  43. Positive Polynomials and Sequential Closures of Quadratic Modules, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362, 2619-2639 (2010)
  44. Stability of Quadratic Modules, manuscripta mathematica 129 (2), 251-271 (2009)
  45. An Elementary Proof of Schmüdgen’s Theorem on the Moment Problem of Closed Semi-Algebraic Sets, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136, 529-537 (2008)
  46. A Note on the Representation of Positive Polynomials with Structured Sparsity, with D. Grimm and M. Schweighofer, Archiv der Mathematik 89 (5), 399-403 (2007)
  47. SOS Approximations of Nonnegative Polynomials via Simple High Degree Pertubations, with J.B. Lasserre, Mathematische Zeitschrift 256 (1), 99-112 (2007)

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