Photo Gallery
AstroMundus Graduations Edition 8
AstroMundus Retreat - Petnica Science Centre, Serbia 2019
AstroMundus Graduations Edition 7
AstroMundus at the IAU General Assembly 2018
AstroMundus Retreat - Obergurgl 2018
AstroMundus Graduations Edition 6
AstroMundus Welcome Reception Edition 8
AstroMundus Retreat - Rome June 2017
Photo credits: Tamari Meshveliani, Giovanna Temporin, Rebecca Habas
AstroMundus Welcome Reception - Edition 7
AstroMundus Retreat - Asiago 2016
AstroMundus 2015 Edition - Welcome Reception at the Claudiana, Innsbruck
AstroMundus Retreat - L'Aquila, July 2015
AstroMundus 2014 Edition - Welcome Reception at the Claudiana, Innsbruck
AstroMundus Retreat - Obergurgl, June 2014

AstroMundus 2013 Edition - End of Winter Term - Innsbruck - February 2014
More photos here, on the AstroMundus facebook page
AstroMundus 2013 Edition - Welcome Reception at the Claudiana - Innsbruck
Visit the photoalbum of the reception on the AstroMundus facebook page
AstroMundus 2013 Edition - Hike to Arzler Alm, Innsbruck - September 2013
Visit the photoalbum of our hike on the AstroMundus facebook page
AstroMundus 2011 and 2012 Editions - Obergurgl Retreat May 2013
Visit the complete photo gallery of the Obergurgl Retreat 2013!
Innsbruck - End of Winter Term 2012/13
More photos here, on the AstroMundus facebook page
AstroMundus 2012 Edition - Welcome Reception at Innsbruck
Visit the photo album of the reception on the AstroMundus facebook page
AstroMundus 2010 and 2011 Editions - Asiago Retreat June 2012
Visit the complete photo gallery of the Asiago Retreat 2012!
Innsbruck - End of Winter Term 2011/12
AstroMundus Committees Meeting in December 2011
A meeting of various AstroMundus Committees took place at the University of Innsbruck in December 2011. In these photos some of the participants, from left to right: Dragana Ilić (Board, Belgrade), Claudia Wester (Secretary, Innsbruck), Giovanna Temporin (Board, Innsbruck), Arntraud Bacher (Project Service, Innsbruck), Dario del Moro (Quality Evaluation Committee, Rome), Wolfgang Glatzel (Quality Evaluation Committee, Göttingen), Sabine Schindler (Programme Coordinator, Innsbruck), Giancarlo De Gasperis (Academic Advisor, Rome), Piero Rafanelli (Board, Padova).
AstroMundus 2011 Edition - Welcome Reception
AstroMundus 2011 Edition - Hike to Arzler Alm, October 2011
AstroMundus 2010 Edition - Asiago Retreat, July 2011
Visit the complete photo gallery of the Asiago Retreat 2011!
Innsbruck - End of Winter Term 2010/11
AstroMundus 2010 Edition - Welcome Reception
AstroMundus Board meeting - Innsbruck, May 2010
Left: On the roof of the Institute of Astro- and Particle Physics (from left to right: Dragana Ilic (Belgrade), Sabine Schindler (Innsbruck), Giovanna Temporin (Innsbruck), Wolfram Kollatschny (Goettingen), Francesco Berrilli (Rome), Luigi Secco (Padua). Right: At the Institute of Astro- and Particle Physics.
First AstroMundus consortium meeting
From left to right: Luigi Secco (Padua), Olaf Reimer (Innsbruck), Stefan Kimeswenger (Innsbruck), Sabine Schindler (Innsbruck), Enrico Maria Corsini (Padua), Giovanna Temporin (Innsbruck), Giuseppe Bono (Rome), Alberto Franceschini (Padua).