Recent/Upcoming Events
End of the AstroMundus programme. The 8th and last edition of the AstroMundus Masters course ended with the last student graduation on January 31st, 2020. The programme is now closed.
July 1st-4th, 2019, the last AstroMundus Retreat held at the Petnica Science Centre near Valjevo, Serbia.
August 20th-31st, 2018, AstroMundus exhibit booth at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Vienna
June 13th-15th, 2018, AstroMundus Retreat at the Obergurgl University Center in the Austrian Alps.
June 21st-23rd, 2017, AstroMundus Retreat hosted by the Italian Space Agency in Rome
December 18th, 2016, End of AstroMundus crowdfunding initiative to raise further scholarships for top-ranked students from world regions with no or limited access to study programmes in Astrophysics