Abstract Submission
Scientific Topics
The Organizing and Scientific Committees are delighted to invite you to the joint meeting of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society and the Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Innsbruck, a scenic town located in the heart of the Austrian Alps. The main scientific topics will cover:
- Natural Products | Medicinal Products
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry|Computer-aided Molecular Design
- Analytical Chemistry
- Personalized Medicine
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Nanomedicines
Call for Papers
Scientific contributions such as short lectures (12min + 3min discussion) and posters (max. 90 x 120 cm, width x height) to the above mentioned scientific topics and other related fields are very much welcome. Summaries of oral and poster presentations will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations have to be submitted at our registration and submission portal until March 15, 2017. To enter the portal use the same user account as for the registration. Authors should indicate their preferred type of presentation (oral or poster) and select topics that describe their contribution.
The programme committee may decide to change an oral into a poster presentation or vice versa depending on the number of submitted contributions in each category. Authors will be notified about the committee's decision by March 30, 2017.
Extended deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2017
Poster format: A0 portrait (H 118,9 x W 84,1 cm).
Please follow strictly the formatting as shown below; max. 1 page, MS Word doc.file, no pdf.
Title: Arial 11, bold, capitals/small; short, precise
Authors First (initials) and family names ; Arial 10, bold, presenting author, affiliation1
Affiliation 1Affiliation, postal code city, country ; Arial 9, italic normal
Text Arial 11, normal, not justified, line spacing 1
Structure Introduction; Aims; Methods; Results; Conclusions; Keywords (max. 5)
References optional, max. 3, Arial 9, normal
[1] Hirani JJ, Rathod DA, Vadalia KR. Trop J Pharm Res 2009; 8: 161-72.
Abstract Template
Please use the following Abstract Template (Word file, .docx).