Dr. Steve R. Entrich
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Liebeneggstr. 8, A-6020 Innsbruck
Zi. 02-09 (2. Stock)
26.01.2023 |
University of Vienna (AT) |
u:japan Lecture Series: “The role of institutional features for inequalities in study abroad participation. Evidence from Japan” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Manzenreiter) |
28.10.2022 |
Pennsylvania State University (US) |
Comparative and International Education Program's Speaker Series: “Effects of private tutoring on academic achievement and school allocation in Germany: The role of SES and gender. Findings from the German National Education Panel Study (NEPS)“ (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Soo-yong Byun) |
15.06.2022 |
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (DE) |
Forschungsseminar "Empirische Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung": „Bildungsungleichheit durch Nachhilfe? Schicht- und geschlechtsspezifische Nutzung und Effektivität von Nachhilfe. Befunde des NEPS“ (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Koinzer) |
20.03.2022 |
University of Zurich (CH) |
Lecture for CAS in East Asian Society, Policy, and Economy: „Education in East Asia: Transformation processes and change” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci) |
03.03.2022 |
The University of Tokyo (JP) |
SSJDA Seminar lecture: “The role of institutional features for inequalities in study abroad participation. Evidence from Japan” (Discussants: Prof. Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa & Kenji Ishida) |
03.12.2021 |
The University of Hong Kong (CH) |
CERC Shadow Education SIG: “Determinants and Effects of High-Impact Educational Practices at University for Individuals’ Labor Market Outcomes in the United States” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Nutsa Kobakhidze) |
05.07.2021 |
Univ. of Edu. Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE) |
Institute of Sociology: “Education: The Great Equalizer? Consequences of International Educational Upgrading for Social Reproduction in Schooled Societies” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Weiß) |
20.02.2020 |
University of Oxford (UK) |
Nissan Seminar: “New Horizontal Inequalities in Japanese Education? Why, When, and Under Which Conditions Japanese Students Pursue Study Abroad” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Takehiko Kariya) |
21.11.2019 |
University of Zurich (CH) |
Asian Orient Institute: “Persistence, diversity and implications of the Japanese shadow education market in times of Yutori Kyōiku and Gurōbaruka” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci) |
01.08.2019 |
TU Dortmund (DE) |
Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS): “Shadow Education and Social Inequality in Japan” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Fani Lauermann) |
06.11.2018 |
Universität Konstanz (DE) |
Forschungskolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung: “Global Consequences of Educational Upgrading for Social Inequality: Worldwide Shadow Education - A Quantitative Analysis across 63 Countries” (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Werner Georg) |
13.04.2017 |
The University of Hong Kong (CH) |
Invited Video-Lecture for CERC Movie Afternoons: “OECD PISA Videos: Shanghai and Germany” (Convenors: Prof. Dr. Mark Bray, Alex Liang-Ming), |
03.03.2016 |
University of British Columbia (CA) |
CIR Lunchtime Lecture Series: “Explaining the Persistence of Supplementary Education in East Asia: The Casel of Japan" (Convenor: Prof. Dr. Julian Dierkes) |
MEDIA Interviews
10.2021 |
"The pandemic will spur the worldwide growth of private tutoring - Time lost to school closures has added to parents’ worries". The Economist: https://www.economist.com/international/the-pandemic-will-spur-the-worldwide-growth-of-private-tutoring/21805216 |
08.2021 |
"The case for mutual educational disarmament - And for a high-stakes, lower-effort test". The Economist: https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2021/08/21/the-case-for-mutual-educational-disarmament |
02.2019 |
"Das sind die besten Nachhilfe-Institute". N-tv Ratgeber – Test: https://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/ratgeber/Das-sind-die-besten-Nachhilfe-Institute-article20845878.html |
01.2018 |
"Bildung - quo vadis? Studie zur Nachhilfe in Japan wirft Licht auf Bildungssystem und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland". Pressemitteilung des Bundesverbandes für Nachhilfe und Nachmittagsschulen (VNN): https://www.nachhilfeschulen.org/index.php?seite=Viewer&show=vnn_info_20180125_091041 |
01.2018 |
"Was nützt Nachhilfe?" rbb Kulturradio. [link] |
11.2017 |
"Wie sinnvoll ist Nachhilfe?" WDR5 – Leonardo: http://wdrmedien-a.akamaihd.net/medp/podcast/weltweit/fsk0/150/1507685/wdr5leonardo_2017-11-02_wdr5leonardoganzesendung02112017_wdr5.mp3 |
07.2017 |
"Das Geschäft mit dem Misserfolg: Mit Nachhilfe zum Schulabschluss" WDR5. |
07.2017 |
"Die Schule im Schatten: Was Nachhilfe in Japan und anderswo leisten kann – und was nicht." PortalWissen 2/2017: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/medieninformationen/detail/2018-01-03-die-schule-im-schatten-was-nachhilfe-in-japan-und-anderswo-leisten-kann-und-was-nicht |
06.2014 |
IAFOR ACSEE ACSS 2014 - Day 4 Recap with Steve Entrich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTFGkfoA-EU |
10.2013 |
"Raus aus der Komfortzone" Süddeutsche Zeitung: https://www.academia.edu/31304796/Weiss_Marlene_2013_Raus_aus_der_Komfortzone_Internationalisierung_der_Bildung_in_Japan_Süddeutsche_Zeitung |