25.-27.09.2024 | Research Workshop in Wien

Pahlavi Papyri in Context

Organizers: Bernhard Palme, Melanie Malzahn, Robert Rollinger and Florian Schwarz

  Wednesday-Friday, 25-27 September 2024

  Austrian National Library, van Swieten-Saal (Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Vienna)

  Middle Persian documents written in the difficult-to-read Pahlavi cursive have survived only in very limited numbers worldwide. Apart from the collection at the Bancroft Library at Berkeley and smaller collections in various institutions, the most im­portant and largest group of Pahlavi cursive documents is housed at the Papyrus Collection of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. They originate from Egypt and date from the narrow time window of 619­–629 CE, when the land on the Nile temporarily came under Sasanian rule. These documents are particularly important since they constitute one of the earliest groups of Pahlavi cursive documents found so far. They are an exceptional remnant of the complex Sasanian bureau­cracy and represent a period when the empire was at its political and military peak. 

  Read more and find the detailled program on the ÖAW event page at

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