23.09.2024 | Vortrag von Sirje Kupp-Sazonov und Vladimir Sazonov

Russian Eurasianism and the 'Pax Russica' as ideological pillars of Russia

Historical and political narratives of the Kremlin and its linguistic nuances
in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war


  Montag, 23.09.2024 | 10:15-11:45

  Seminarraum 4 (Ágnes-Heller-Haus, Innrain 52a, 1. Stock)

  In this lecture, we will look at the emergence of Russian political ideology and information influence activities under the Putin regime, including the creation of the concept of the “Pax Russica” by the Russian political elite, political technologists and propagandists as a means of information influence activities. It will also address the formation of the basic ideas of modern Russian political philosophy and ideology – influenced by Russian philosophers and Eurasianists such as Ivan Ilyin, Aleksandr Dugin and others. We will discuss some examples of how Russia creates and disseminates strategic narratives using historical and political events, such as World War II narratives, the myth of the “Great Patriotic War” etc. We will also discuss linguistic aspects – e.g. rhetoric, word usage etc in speeches and published texts of Russian high-ranked officials and leaders (Putin, Surkov, Peskov, Lavrov, etc.).


Sirje Kupp-Sazonov (PhD) is lecturer in Russian Language and Translation Studies at the Department of Translation Studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, University of Tartu, Estonia. She is also a translator.

Vladimir Sazonov (PhD) is Leading Researcher at the Estonian Military Academy and Associate Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Tartu.

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