News 2006

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In December 2006 the EAWA workshop “Bridging Research, Technology & Development: Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eastern Africa” was held in Mombasa, Kenya. It was attended by more than 130 participants drawn from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Sudan, Austria, France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The sponsors of this workshop were the Africa Water Facility (AWF) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The organizers of the workshop were the Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA), Africa Water Facility (AWF), Egerton University, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).

The main theme of the workshop was to bring forth research application and reduce the gap between research and development. The structure of the workshop included acquiring knowledge from experts through plenary presentations, discussions and also excursion visits. The aims and activities formulated for this workshop therefore brought forth a nouvelle conceptual model, which focuses on an inclusive approach where all stakeholders are involved in the translation of research findings to development processes in Eastern Africa.

For further information please download “workshop programme & list of participantsPDF and “workshop reportPDF from EAWA Workshop 2006

Nachruf Heinz Löffler

Der Gründungsdirektor und langjährige Obmann des Kuratoriums des Instituts für Limnologie, Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinz Löffler, verstarb am 13. Oktober 2006. Heinz Löffler hat die österreichische Limnologie über fast 50 Jahre und die Entwicklung des Instituts über mehr als drei Jahrzehnte maßgeblich geprägt. Das Institut für Limnologie ist ihm für seine vielfältigen Aktivitäten in den verschieden Postitionen zu großem Dank verpflichtet. Ein Nachruf für Professor Löffler von Dan L. Danielopol und Fritz Schiemer. PDF

The founding director and long-term chairman of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Limnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinz Löffler, passed away on October 13, 2006. Heinz Löffler had a strong impact on Austrian limnology over a period of almost 50 years and influenced the development of the Institute for Limnology over more than three decades. The Institute ows him a debt of gratitude for his many activities in various positions. An obituary by Dan L. Danielopol and Fritz Schiemer. PDF

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